Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Alex Ellifritz
Professor Martin
Freshman Seminar
October 17, 2016
Pre-Flection on Call To Action
On Call to Action day, I expect to be hands on helping the community. I plan to be giving food and supplies to people and families in need. I want to see the beautiful smiles these families will have when I am handing them a box of food and supplies. I expect to talk with the employees at the food bank and hear about their previous experiences with handing out food to big groups of families and people. I expect to talk to some of the families to see how this experience is helping their lives become easier and better. I hope to learn how I can help my community in need back home, by observing and learning what the people at the food bank do. I want to learn how a non-profit is able to round up enough workers on a day to day basis and be able to function at such an efficient rate. I want to learn how this non-profit business gets its money. Does the non-profit food bank do fundraising, does it do charity events, etc.… these are all things I would love to find out. Community workday is connected to the schools Hallmarks because the whole school is committing itself to helping the community members in need, and honoring the dignity and sacredness of each person. 

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